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The Woman In The Moon

I was so inspired by Carol Ann Duffy's poem I decided to design a collection dedicated to the woman in the moon.

I imagined her living in solitude among the stars. Observing the earth from afar. What jewels would she wear? Something sparkly and dangly of course. Like moonlit waterfalls, graceful and mysterious, but also timeless and effortless ... I mean who has time to fuss.

I will be adding to this collection over time, allowing it to take the space it needs to unfold.

Darlings, I write to you from the moon
where I hide behind famous light.
How could you think it was ever a man up here?
A cow jumped over. The dish ran away with the spoon.
What reached me here were your prayers, griefs,
here’s-the-craic, losses and longings, your lives
so brief, mine long, long, a talented loneliness.
I must have a thousand names for the earth, my blue vocation.
Round I go, the moon a diet of light, sliver of pear,
wedge of lemon, slice of melon, half an orange, onion;
your human music falling like petals through space,
the childbirth song, the lover’s song, the song of death.
Devoted as words to things, I gaze, gawp, glare; deserts
were forests were, sick seas. When night comes,
I see you gaping back as though you hear my Darlings,
what have you done, what have you done to the world?

Carol Ann Duffy